
Immunogenomics 2017 brings interdisciplinary discussions to HudsonAlpha

International speakers and attendees gather for informative talks and networking

HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology’s fifth annual Immunogenomics conference was held Oct. 2-4, 2017, on the biotech campus in Huntsville, Ala. More than 150 scientists and industry sponsors from 14 states and 12 countries around the world met to discuss this interdisciplinary area of study that applies genomic technologies to understanding the immune system and disease development. Topics covered included the microbiome; genomics and evolution of the immune system; viral threats and vaccines; immunotherapy; technology, bioinformatics and challenges; neuro-immune links; autoimmunity and metabolism.

“This year, our outstanding schedule of speakers and international roster of attendees created a truly exciting opportunity to learn about accomplishments in fields related to immunogenomics,” said Devin Absher, PhD, a chair of the conference organizing committee and a faculty investigator at HudsonAlpha. “The format of this conference allows experts to present discoveries and develop relationships that are crucial for moving the field forward.”

Harlan Robins, PhD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle and Atul Butte, of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine were keynote speakers for the conference.

Immunogenomics 2017 offered not only session talks but also tour opportunities, networking receptions, dinner at the U. S. Space and Rocket Center, informative exhibits and an opportunity to hear about new immunogenomics research during the poster talks.

Save the date for the next Immunogenomics Conference on Oct. 1-3, 2018.