Genomics and Your Practice

ED-GYP-logoGenomics and Your Practice is HudsonAlpha’s continuing education series for local physicians and other healthcare providers to learn more about genomics and its increasing relevance to clinical practice. Intersections between genomics and medicine will be highlighted across multiple specialties using real-world case scenarios to frame discussion.

Genomics and Your Practice is a critical element of HudsonAlpha’s mission to create a genetically literate society and to train the future biotech workforce because it is providing training for people who will be using genetics in their practice but also educating physicians who in turn will be educating patients.

Participants in the GYP foundational course learn how to assess case-based scenarios involving a spectrum of clinical genomics; understand applications for diagnostic, treatment, ethical, legal and social implications; apply genetic terminology and basic concepts in the clinical care setting; create a network of healthcare providers interested and engaged in genomics-driven medicine; and integrate existing genomics resources relevant to clinical practice.

Genomics and Your Practice is a continuing education course accredited by the Medical Association of the State of Alabama, therefore healthcare providers who take the course are able to receive continuing education credits. In addition to repeat offerings of the introductory course, future courses, offered quarterly, will delve deeper into genomics in specialty areas.