
Birmingham Medical News features HudsonAlpha researchers

The latest issue of the Birmingham Medical News featured HudsonAlpha’s Jian Han, MD, PhD and Shawn Levy, PhD.

Levy discussed the Genomic Services Lab and their latest collaboration with the Oncology Research Information Exchange Network® (ORIEN) to accelerate clinical development and discovery of treatments for advanced-stage cancers. HudsonAlpha will provide sequencing services for the ORIEN Avatar program over the next three years.

In addition, the publication spoke with Han about the international Repertoire 10K (R10K) project, which is in the process of sequencing the immune repertoire of 100 patients each for 100 serious diseases. The purpose of the R10K project is to sequence and analyze the DNA profile and the T cell and B cell receptors of patients with specific diseases to uncover disease mechanisms, identify new biomarkers, and guide the development of new therapeutics.

Read the full story about ORIEN and the R10K project.