BioTech Bootcamp Summer 2010 Tentative

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday
8:00 AM Welcome (Classroom) Recap of Monday & questions Recap of Tuesday & questions Recap of Wednesday & questions Recap of Thursday & questions Classroom Recap of last week
Planning & Documenting Laboratory Dealing with complicated protocols -Practical dilution exercise. -Plating bacteria to get a concentration. Growing bacterial cells Protein purification – GPF from pGLO transformed cells Student Assessment of Biotech Bootcamp
9:00 AM Registration (auditorium) Associate Company roundtable discussion
Measuring, adjusting and controlling pH G-MOD lab II
10:00 AM Tour of laboratory and floor (pix taken while on tour) Using laboratory balances Centrifugation exercise
-Measuring pH of a liquid -Proper use of a pH meter -Calibrating a pH meter
Reproducibility and Accuracy of Measurements – Data Analysis Using Excel Bacterial plasmid miniprep Protein assay – colorimetric Research Lab roundatable discussions
11:00 AM Introduction and general orientation
Buffers – What are they and why are they used? Spectrophotometry (cont.)
General laboratory safety
12:00 PM Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:00 PM Laboratory safety exercise Non-sterile vs. sterile techniques Buffers – comparison of titrating a salt solution and a buffer Transformation Enzyme catalysis Interns report to their respective companies
Preparation of LB broth and LB agar
-Reading MSDS sheets -Finding safety information on chemical bottles
2:00 PM Preparation of Glycine/Mg buffer (pH 7.0, pH 8.0, pH 9.0 & pH 10.0) Preparation of PNPP G-MOD lab I
Handling and measuring liquids II. Stock solutions and dilutions
3:00 PM Units and the metric system
-Preparing 1X TAE -Serial two-fold dilutions Spectrophotometery Lab Math IV -Representing data -Semi-log graph paper -Determining rates
Handling & measuring liquids I. Pipets and other measuring devices How to prepare Powerpoint material: A Powerpoint tutorial for posters and presentations
4:00 PM
Reading a scientific paper Reading a scientific paper (Part II) Reading a scientific paper (Part III)
Rainbow pipeting lab